Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Anti scaling chemical equipments for safe plumbing

One of the biggest threats to water supply and plumbing systems is scaling. Untreated hard water can lead to the accumulation of excessive minerals, calcium, sodium and other hardening substances on the inside of the pipes. This can severely compromise the structural integrity of the pipes, and can ultimately make them brittle. This problem is extremely persistent in pipes carrying hot water, as it leads to an increase in lime scale development.

            Unchecked scaling can lead to excessive problems in pipes, dishwashers, washing machines and can even lead to health issues of varied intensities depending on the severity of the scaling problem. It is hence advised to make use of good anti-scaling equipment in order to soften the hard water and minimize scaling.

            Anti scaling equipment is designed to handle various scaling problems, and can either prevent the water from scaling in the first place, or can help remove scaling deposits effectively. Keeping a close check on scaling can provide you with added benefits such as-

·         Reduced power bills
·         Prolonged life of pipes and plumbing
·         Relatively steady water pressure
·         Reduced maintenance costs
·         Reduced waste water
Paragon is one of the leading providers of quality scaling chemicals and de-scaling equipments in Bahrain. For more information about our products and services, log into our website at 

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