Thursday, 9 February 2017

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Food hygiene is the practice of properly cooking, cleaning food to avoiding cross-contamination and prevent the spread of bacteria in food.
Avoiding cross-contamination between raw and ready-to-eat food is one of the most important aspects of food hygiene. Separate knives and cutting boards must be used for the different foods. Raw food must be stored below other foods in the refrigerator to prevent drips that could contain bacteria. Food must be chilled to proper temperature at all times and must be cooked to a temperature that kills bacteria. Disinfecting food preparation areas and cleaning used equipment also are important food hygiene practices.
Why is food hygiene so important?
Good food hygiene is essential to ensure that the food you and your family eats is safe. Poor hygiene procedures in your home can put you at risk. Harmful germs that cause food poisoning and can spread very easily, so you need to make sure that you do everything you can to prevent this. Food poisoning can lead to serious illness, even death, especially among the very young, the very old and ill people, who are particularly at risk from food poisoning.
How can you prevent your food from being contaminated?
There are four main defences against the growth and spread of germs:
·         Ensuring food areas are clean and good standards of personal hygiene aremaintained.
·         Cooking foods thoroughly
·         Keeping food at the right temperature
·         Preventing cross-contamination
What happens when you don’t maintain food hygiene?
When you don’t maintain good hygiene there are high amount of chances for the food to get contaminated and spread food borne diseases. Bacteria and viruses can be present in contaminated food which can cause food poisoning. Food poisoning can lead to gastroenteritis and dehydration, or potentially even more serious health problems such as blood poisoning and kidney failure.Food poisoning can be serious in babies, children, older people and pregnant women because these people have a weaker immune system.
How can you ensure food safety?
By practicing hygiene prior to handling food and ensuring that all utensils and surfaces are clean, food contamination can be prevented.Food safety also requires that food is cooked  and stored at a safe temperature. The best way to ensure that food is safely stored is to allow food to thaw in a refrigerator. By always using clean utensils and surfaces that haven't touched other food items, the risk of cross contamination can be greatly reduced.
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